
Hi, I’m Derek newborn.

I clear a path to health and wellness optimization through support, nutrition and fitness. It has been a gift of mine to help as many people as possible eliminate and even prevent the suffering, frustration and confusion that comes with not only becoming lean, fit, and healthy, BUT staying lean, fit and healthy for the REST OF YOUR LIFE.

My clients refer to me as their fitness freedom coach. I help the busiest hardest working parents, business owners, and entrepreneurs around the world transform their bodies with flexible nutrition and at custom science base workouts. My mission is to help free as many people as possible from the lies surrounding the fitness industry and help them make massive transformations. I have helped thousands of clients around the world transform their bodies with my coaching program.

I believe every single person should be able to obtain a high level of self care, self love, and complete human optimization in a way that is sustainable and feels good.

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When I started my own personal fitness journey over 15 years ago, others looked to me for advice and guidance to help them also achieve a successful body transformation. This naturally leading me to become a certified personal trainer. After years of growing my in person training business, I soon had a waiting list of clients wanting to get in my schedule(a good problem to have). After realizing I have the responsibility to help others become their best versions, I spent years researching and learning how the human body and it’s metabolism actually works. This led to a few more years of creating and building out the 90-Day Metabolic Manipulation Method. The highest level of coaching and science based approach I’ve ever been a part of. I’m obsessed with help people just like you become consistent, motivated and stronger mentally as well as physically. I’m able to integrate targeted workouts that give the quickest results in the shortest time possible, along with using a flexible, healthy approach to your nutrition design, while creating massive upgrades to your mindset. I’ve been through journey of guesswork and frustration, from being intimidated by the gym to leading clients around the world to the body of their dreams.

Thanks to the power of social media I’ve built a thriving community of badasses around the world that support one another in becoming the best versions of themselves. It’s the one place decision makers come to in order to finally end the war on their bodies and embrace their health.

While growing my social media presence, I was named on of FLORIDA’S TOP TRAINERS by Fitnation Magazine. Was recognized as being “FITNESS GAME CHANGER of 2020 by I’ve turned down countless supplements sponsorships and other fitness fad b.s. that I knew were based on lies. I’m proud to say I’m able to stand behind my program and continue the pursuit of educating the world on how to create safe, healthy, sustainable transformations…instead of just taking advantage of the lack of truth in the fitness industry.


i love to work with those who

Are 100% ready to finally let go of the yo yo diets, the highly restrictive plans and thought process.

Are ready to take life changing steps to stepping into their full potential once and for all.

My simple but strategic down to earth program is packed full of extremely effective workouts and more food options than you can think of.

If you are ready to learn how to never diet again, while igniting your metabolism so you burn fat while you sleep, I’m inviting you to apply now for a spot while I still have one